Friday, 16 March 2007

Up Close & Personal with Dalo

I had a stroll down my street today just to capture dalo up close and personal. Deceivingly harmless looking plant, for something that proved to be so terribly noxious. I am not going to concede defeat yet though! I wont be happy until I cook it. Fijians cook it in coconut milk and apparently it's yummy… I find that hard to fathom, but I think dousing it in coconut milk will be the method I try first. You'll be able to read my account, complete with photos… when I get around to this gastronomic extravaganza! I got a feeling it's going to take more than one attempt to perfect.

It’s grown alongside the foot path outside my place (source of photos) and sold in the supermarket and markets in neat stacks of about 10-20 leaves.

Can't be sure... but I suspect someone's planted a crop right next door to us... there's a nutrient rich little gully between our apartment and the neighbour’s place. I've provided a snap shot of the crop in question. I'll be keeping a VERY close eye on what’s harvested.

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