Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Mould Colonies

I am developing a preoccupation with mould (not abnormal in a country where bananas can go from green to black... without that nice yellow edible in between phase).

These opportunistic spores don’t discriminate… my sandals grew mould after not being worn for a few days (photographic evidence supplied).I am now thinking about conducting an experiment on myself… if I remain in the same position for 4 days will I cultivate mould?

100 % cotton fabric, once my friend, is now a slow drying enemy developing a musty odor. Before you suggest…I refuse to pollute the Earth with fossil fuel emissions from a clothes drier. The little rusty unidentifiable electrical appliance in my wardrobe? It turns out to be a moisture killer… thing… a heat lamp. I am sure if I leave it on, I’ll return home to see the remains of a fire.

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