Friday 16 March 2007

Green Thumbs & the Tree Climber

A few little garden shots for you today. Renee, Robb and I went to the nursery today and lugged a car load of greenery up our three flights of stairs. Renee’s preferred method of relaxation is gardening…. and she does a lovely job of it (see photo for Renee in action).

The new additions include 2 banana plants (see photo…banana tree on the right in black plastic sheeting)… don’t know how they’ll go in pots on the balcony. I am hoping there’s room left for my herbs and veggies ... bought seeds two weeks ago and they’re still in their packets. Fiji is a green thumb’s paradise.

Renee put in a request for frangipani (see photos of tree top flower & tree with swing) in our bathroom vase… I told her the flowers are too high in the tree to reach and any that I collect from the ground go brown too quickly… but being the trooper that I am I left my thongs at the foot of the tree and climbed, scissors in back pocket. I was very pleased with my cutting and it was decided we’d try and grow it for our balcony rather than put it in the bathroom vase. I have seven fresh mosquito bites from my clamber up the tree…. so that little clipping had better grow… my blood and sweat spent!

Thought for today: I wonder if Renee minds me putting these pictures of her on my blog...

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