Tuesday 15 May 2007

First Fiji Haircut

Well. I went to the haircutters and got some hairs cut and I look all different.

And the hairdresser requested, "$20 please" and I thought... wow... that's the cheapest haircut I've had in ages. (AU$17)

Note that my hair isn't washed in this picture... so it's not really a good picture to publish.. but oh well. Can't be bothered doing myself up for you guys.... it's really only mum who reads this.

So, this is a Suva cut and it'll do me... because (I know you're not going to be happy to hear this, Elena... and Tash please don't tell the Milano hairdresser... what's-his-face...Mario?...Fabio?...Giovanni!! that's it) I asked the cutter to cut it in a way that meant I didn't have to do it in the morning. I just told her straight out... I don't do my hair... so cut it with that in mind please. Oh dear... I feel like Elena will arrive from Italy to hang me for that! Yikes! Please please... don't tell Giovanni... he thought ill enough of me after our little conversation at the end of his masterpiece cut this January (he thinks everything he does is a masterpiece!):
G: I'll just get a mirror and show you the back
K: No need to worry with that, I don't see the back
E: Porca! See! See what I am dealing with here, Giovanni! Kate, you will never be a princess!

How true, Elena, how true.
PS Oh! How could I forget?!! I forgot to mention that I found a new swivel stick! I'll put it in my next blog.
PPS And happy birthday to baby Elsie who turned one today! She had a TV remote control cake.... it's her fav toy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The haircut actually looks ok princess! And for GODS SAKE it's swizzle stick not SWIVEL!