Friday 25 May 2007

Elsie and her bula dress

Elsie has a lovely new bula dress. Bula shirts are very popular here among most Fijian men. Bula dresses seem to be popular only with older women or women having to look "Fiji" for tourist jobs or traditional goings on.

I've included a picture of my mad year 8 English class. They're really lovely. A little indifferent towards homework, but lovely. One of my students is from Kiribati (pronounced Kiribas), which is expected to be completely underwater within 50 years' time. They will not be the world's first global warming refugees. New Zealand has made a commitment to some Pacific islands in terms of providing refuge for the nationless. Hope Australia commits in a similar fashion. Perhaps Australia already has? Does anyone know? I am not aware of it.

Thanks to the man in black and white, Ratu Sakuna, I have a holiday on Monday. French Foreign Legionaire in WWI, barrister and Chief. Love a long weekend! Yay for Ratu!

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