Friday, 2 May 2008

Odds and Ends

Here’s just a few photos of things I’ve been enjoying lately. Orange choc-chip ice-cream, demolishing Eddie at chess, starting my basil garden, my new bag from Bellona (made by Eddie’s cousin) and my birthday presents: a PNG tappa from Nyna and a finely woven mat from Eddie (extreme close-up shot). I also had a lovely time in Sydney for a workshop. I stayed in Milson's Point (first station after the bridge heading north). On the train I took a snap of massive Sapphire Princess which made a dwarf of her surroundings... she was in Suva a week later.

1 comment:

katem said...

Great to see you so well and happy. Despite the challenges life seems to bringing many rewards. Hope you and Eddie will be very blessed together. Cheers from Wang