Friday 9 May 2008

Getting a little bit fishy

Well tonight we're having a little trevally (here they call it sega fish... pronounced 'seng-a'). I bought him at the market today along with a very heavy yellow fin tuna. We're having a little sashimi and we put the rest in the freeze... little parcels of steaks for the week. It cost A$18 for the big tuna and a$13 for the trevally. So, fish is very cheap here in Fiji. The market was very busy this morning because it was a clear morning and everybody had a good sleep and got up early. We all had a good sleep because it's really cool. It's probably still 25C or so... but he humidity has changed greatly ... so much that we can comfortably wear light pants and t-shirt. Mongoose had the stomachs, tails and livers and pancreas.. he might've even eaten the gills... He didn't come out for a photo... but we saw him later and he has doubled in size!!! He really over ate.

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