Tuesday 25 September 2007

Middle Years Program Course

This blog starts off on the topic and then, as is always the case... I randomly go off the topic.

I sacrificed 3 days of a precious 3 week holiday to do some professional development in sunny Nadi (West). And at a moment not too early, I now know what I am meant to be teaching and I’ll get straight onto that.

The gang at International School Suva, bonded especially well in the evenings at the bar and it was noted that I was like a dog with a bone during a few debates on Middle East politics, Jungian philosophy and falling in love. It turns out that there is someone who would prefer to have the last say, other than myself. Perhaps even more so than myself! How annoying! Worse… he’s my new boss and although I don’t have as many letters after my name, I’d like to think I gave him a run for his money… though the evening’s conversations are all a bit of a blur due to copious quantities of red wine, Fiji Gold and Gordon’s and soda.

Have a peak at the mad hatters I work with in the portraits below and don’t worry, I snuck my way into a couple, with my favourite Science teacher couple. Who help me out with the big questions: Why can’t I see oxygen if it’s all around me? What does photosynthesis have to do with rainforests? Why do my bicycle tyres go flat if I stop using my bike? Dr Karl is helping me out with these questions too. He is one of a couple of regular podcasts I download.

I am still listen to Fr. Bob Maguire and John Safran every week. I miss having Father Bob as my parish priest. The podcasts for this show go for 1 hour 24 mins. It’s a shame that they don’t include music … it’s just the nattering of Bob and Safran and whoever they drag in for a chat. Don’t know why I didn’t get onto podcasts earlier. It took me to not be in the same country to download them… but it takes the pressure off being home to listen to a radio show. And in the case of Dr Karl, I was never home to listen to that quirky little science lover geeky show.

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